Session I:   Eric Carle:  Animals & Nature

Session II:  Eric Carle: Animals & Nature, Part 2

Age:             Campers MUST be Potty-Trained and turn Three by June

Cost:            $300.00 per Session


Join us for four weeks of activities, and consider registering for the entire four weeks! Campers will explore art, science, and literature through classic stories by beloved author Eric Carle. Watch as we bring some of his most celebrated tales to life. While reading Carle’s 10 Little Rubber Ducks, we will decorate our own ducks and float them in the canals we’ve dug in our playground. We’ll experiment with sink and float activities and create our own ocean waves in a bottle. Painting our own caterpillar will be so much fun as we play with plastic insects and dirt at our messy table after reading The Hungry Caterpillar! Amber Camerlin will lead this camp filled with messy fun! She serves as the lead teacher for the older 3s at PVUMC Preschool during the school year. Come join in the fun for all four weeks!