Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Camp Director and how can I contact her?

Bev Nystedt is the Camp Director. You can reach her via text at (480) 570-5234 or by email at Bev teaches throughout the school year, so she will respond to you as soon as she can. During Camp hours, the best method is again by text to (480) 570-5234.

How do I pay?

Camp fees can be paid by credit card, Zelle, or check. Shortly after the camp placement(s) begins on March 1st, you will receive an email with your camper(s) schedule and a credit card or Zelle payment link. Payments by check can be sent to:

    The Imagine That Summer Camp

    12749 East Laurel Lane

    Scottsdale, AZ 85259

Can I get a refund?

The seasonal nature of the camp prevents refunds or reductions for late or non-arrival, early withdrawal, or cancellation for any reason. Campers sent home due to rules violations, medical issues, or at the discretion of their family or Imagine That! Summer Camp staff will not receive a refund. However, all fees will be refunded if a specific camp is closed due to low enrollment.

What if my child’s camp is full when you receive the registration?

If your first or second choices are not available, we will notify you by phone or email about the available options.


What if I want my child to be with a friend?

We try to honor friend requests but are unable to guarantee placement together.

How do I know the room number of my child’s camp?

A camp map and a parent letter containing this information will be emailed during the last week of May.

Is there early care available before camp?

No, but we offer a one-hour JUMP START class from 8 to 9:00. Sorry, no drop-ins are allowed. 

Will a hot lunch be provided if I sign up for lunchbunch?

No hot lunches: Campers should bring their lunch WITH a cold pack as lunches are not refrigerated. Campers eat with their morning camp friends. Remember, we are a nut-free camp— no nuts, including hazelnuts, Nutella, and sunflower seeds, are allowed.